Lotus Pools’ first new pool – forever a favourite in our hearts. Simply located parallel to the existing home. With a dark grey porcelain tile surround, this pool coordinates beautifully within the property. Impeccable water clarity maintained by a saltwater system, and efficient to heat combining a DEL slatted pool cover hidden under the patio with a Duratech Air Source Heat pump.
A popular size of pool, this concrete 10m long pool provides plenty of swimming space for the keen swimmer or pool party.
We added multi colour remote control LED lighting, combined with a clear slatted Del cover, means that even while the pool cover is closed, coloured lighting can still be used.
With a top of the line pool cover, and insulated pipework underground, heating this pool is easy and done solely with a 21kW Duratech heatpump. The cover soaks in the suns heat too.
Finishes comprise of a stunning medium blue glass mosaic tile underwater, with a dark grey porcelain tileband, coping and patio surround.
Whens the suns out, this tile gleams inviting you in for a swim.
Pool water clarity is maintained with a glass media filter and saltwater chlorination system.
With a history maintaining pools to a high standard we were keen to build this to be flawless from day 1.